Massages for 2

Rediscover connection and serenity with our Massages for Two in Lessentia. Designed for couples, friends or family seeking a retreat from everyday life, our dual massages are an invitation to synchronize well-being and strengthen bonds through shared relaxation. In the privacy of our cozy environment, two therapists work in harmony, offering techniques that relieve tension and harmonize the energy flow in both of you.

Facial / Craneal and cervical for two

100,00  – 45 min.

This massage located in the highest area of the body, aims to unblock the accumulated...

Coconut Streching for two

130,00  – 50 min.

Massage using pressure techniques with coconut and coconut oil, stretching of muscles and mobilization of...

Especial Lessentia for two

A partir de 80,00 

This traditional relaxing massage, combines manipulations with palms and forearms, but also takes into account...

Ayurvedic for two

140,00  – 60 min.

The ayurvedic massage is a personalized massage with our essential oils, the person according to...

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